
DSC_3070I hardly ever take portraits. I’m terribly bad at both photographic and social side of it. I don’t like the results, people don’t like the result and the process is just awkward. I try to avoid it (and working with people in general to be honest) but I feel uncomfortable about not being able to make portraits. It’s like singing – I can’t sing, I never did it and it disturbs me for some reason. I’m not sure I like this picture. But it must be better than my singing anyway.


  1. I will wait until I hear you sing before I decide. Personally, I think you did fine with this portrait. But what do I know.😊
    Does your subject like it?

    1. She doesn’t care much) one of self confident girls who can laugh at herself and doesn’t mind even some crazy pictures.
      Don’t think there is a chance anyone will ever here me singing)

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